Auto Insurance
Auto insurance protects you if your car has an accident or is damaged by another cause. Although you may know the requirement to carry insurance, you may not understand all of your insurance obligations. Residents now have a professional auto insurance resource to turn to, with the team at the Brett Reid Insurance. If you have questions about auto insurance coverage, we welcome the opportunity to discuss auto insurance options with you.
Minimum Coverage Amounts
Any registered vehicle must show proof of PIP (personal injury protection) and PDL (property damage liability) insurance before it is written. It requires a minimum of $10,000 for each coverage to be on your policy. If you have an accident, the police officer who responds to the scene will require you to prove you have the minimum insurance levels.
Coverage in auto insurance can include several types of liability coverage. Bodily injury liability covers the death or severe permanent injury of another person by your car. Another aspect of the policy is coverage for uninsured or underinsured motorists. The latter type of coverage will provide coverage for someone who is hurt by your car and doesn’t have sufficient bodily injury coverage.
Auto Insurance Requirements
When you are involved in an auto accident, it is likely to feel overwhelming. In addition to damage to your car, you or your passenger may be hurt. You may be concerned about whether you can return to work. For those questions to be answered, you must contact your insurance company as soon as possible after the accident occurs.
At Brett Reid Insurance, residents can get answers to all their insurance questions. Please give us a call and let us help you compare auto insurance quotes online. We will spend time with you to learn about your unique insurance needs and guide you with our expertise. Call us today, and let us get you road-ready with an auto insurance policy.